Image of footprints in sand by a beach

DNA Footprinting

Studying DNA–protein interactions is an important aspect of molecular biology. Researches use a variety of methods to study these like the chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay, electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), DNA pull down assay, luciferase reporter assay, filter binding assay, yeast one hybrid system, etc. Another interesting assay that helps investigate DNA–protein interactions is the…


Bacterial Transformation Troubleshooting for Beginners

The first time I did a transformation was when I worked with site directed mutagenesis. I cloned a protein sequence into the p15TVL vector, created my mutants (but that’s another story), and was finally ready for the next step: transformation and expression of my desired protein. Little did I know that my enthusiasm would fall…

nanopore sequencing

An Introduction to Nanopore Sequencing

DNA sequencing is the most powerful method to reveal genetic variations at the molecular level, leading to a better understanding of our body in physiological settings, and pathological conditions. It is the beginning of the long road towards better diagnostics and personalized medicine. Even though there have been great advances in DNA sequencing technologies there…

Using Synthetic DNA For Long Term Data Storage

The amount of data requiring long-term storage is growing and accelerating. Current long-term digital storage technology cannot keep up. Imagine roughly 2.5 QUINTILLION bytes of data being created everyday in this world1–2 as more computers and network infrastructure come online. For average users, a long-term storage solution is probably not an issue. However, organizations and…

nanoparticle PCR

Small Particles (Things) Matter!- Introducing Nanoparticle PCR

There are many different methods and protocols on making your PCR  run more efficiently. I recently came across an interesting PCR method called “nanoparticle” PCR. This method seems to attract a lot of attention, because it enhances a PCR  by a few orders of magnitude. More interestingly, while the enhancement effect has been reported in a…

virus purification

AAV Production Part II: Virus Purification

In Part I of AAV Production, I described how to produce crude (non-purified) AAV. In this article, I am going to tell you how to purify that crude prep. Virus purification is usually done by gradient ultracentrifugation. Two common methods involve gradients made from increasing concentrations of cesium chloride or iodixanol. A cesium chloride prep…

pre-analytical sample

Pre-Analytical Sample Handling: What Can You Do Better?

If you study human disease, you will likely handle a pre-analytical sample or two (or hundreds).  For example, you could handle whole blood, serum or plasma, tissue biopsies, urine, fecal samples, cerebrospinal fluid, or synovial fluid—to name a few. You will probably use these samples to look for specific metabolites, proteins, or nucleic acids that provide…


Introduction to Linux for High-Throughput Sequencing Analysis

So, you’ve spent time planning your high-throughput sequencing experiment. You’ve chosen how many replicates to use, deliberated about sequencing depth, and kept everything RNase-free. Now you have many gigabytes of data available. What’s next? While the first step of RNA-Seq analysis is aligning your sequencing reads to a reference genome, first you need to get…

acid phenol chloroform

Acid Phenol Chloroform Extraction of DNA, RNA and protein: 3 in 1

In austerity times, nothing is in excess. Apart from saving reagents, which can be refilled with extra financial injections, there is a commodity that cannot be easily resupplied – tissue samples! If, like me, you have experienced the fear of not having enough sample for performing a qPCR, western blot, and conventional PCR from the…

shotgun sequencing

An Introduction to Shotgun Sequencing: Fire in the Hole

In the midst of all the cool new sequencing techniques and technologies out there today, you may have overlooked the tried and true method of Shotgun Sequencing. What is Shotgun Sequencing Anyway? Shotgun sequencing gets its name from the concept that a large sequence is essentially broken up in to many, many smaller pieces, similar…