Sweena Chaudhari

Sweena has a PhD in Cardiovascular Immunology from the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg.

Articles by Sweena Chaudhari

CPEC– a Quick and Inexpensive Cloning Strategy

CPEC– a Quick and Inexpensive Cloning Strategy

Cloning Strategies – a Whole Lot of Options to Choose Molecular cloning has come a long way from simple restriction digestion-ligation cloning strategies to a large number of highly efficient alternatives. Broadly classified, cloning techniques can be divided as sequence dependent and sequence independent strategies. Sequence-dependent strategies are based on restriction digestion-ligation techniques or site-specific…

yeast plasmid

How to Fool-“Proof” Your Experiment: An Introduction to Yeast Plasmids

A lot of research experiments require the use of a eukaryotic host as opposed to E. coli due to its greater conformity and suitability in expressing eukaryotic proteins. This is the reason why yeast cells have gained importance as cloning and expression hosts. For protein expression studies to hybrid screens, many applications require insertion and…

Image of footprints in sand by a beach

DNA Footprinting

Studying DNA–protein interactions is an important aspect of molecular biology. Researches use a variety of methods to study these like the chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay, electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), DNA pull down assay, luciferase reporter assay, filter binding assay, yeast one hybrid system, etc. Another interesting assay that helps investigate DNA–protein interactions is the…

Guide to Making and Storing Competent Yeast Cells

Yeasts, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Pichia pastoris, are routinely used in biology research labs around the world. Yeasts are easy-to-culture, unicellular eukaryotes, and make excellent model organisms because of the similarity of their genes and proteins with those of their mammalian counterparts. Yeast cells are used to study gene function, protein interactions,…

Cre-loxP Recombination Essentials Part 2

Cre-loxP Recombination Essentials Part 2

The Cre-loxP recombination system is routinely used for the generation of mouse knockouts. In part 1 of this mini-series, I introduced the concept and applications of Cre-loxP. As with any other technology or research tool, it has limitations and pitfalls that need to be considered while planning experiments or interpreting results. This article will take…

Cre-loxP Recombination Essentials Part 1

Cre-loxP Recombination Essentials Part 1

You might have heard of the Cre-loxP system even if you are not directly working with genetic manipulation. The Cre-loxP system is an ubiquitous technology for genetic manipulation and a mainstay in mouse research labs. With this system you can delete genes in cells, specific tissues and even whole organisms! You can start to master this system by…

Laboratory Animal Ethics: The Three Rs

Laboratory Animal Ethics: The Three Rs

Animal models have helped make enormous discoveries and breakthroughs in the last few decades. From Pasteur’s use of sheep to test the ‘Germ Theory’, Pavlov’s classic conditioning experiments in dogs, to Dolly the first cloned mammal, animal research has come a long way. Today, most drugs, vaccines and other pharmaceutical products for medical use are…


For the Love of Mouse! How to Start Working with Mice

Researchers have always been in search of model organisms that can be used to study and explore biological phenomena to make discoveries that can be extrapolated to more complex higher organisms like humans. Of the various model organisms developed and used, starting from the ubiquitous E. coli and S. cerevisiae to the humble D. melanogaster…

Troubleshooting and Optimizing your Mouse Breedings

Troubleshooting and Optimizing your Mouse Breedings

Anyone working with laboratory animals has probably realized that simply putting two animals together does not always yield new offspring and reliable continuity of the animal line – unfortunately animal husbandry isn’t that simple! Of course, apart from making sure that the two animals put together are from different genders, there are a lot of…

Get Ready, Get Set, Retro – How to Get Started With Retroviral Transduction

Get Ready, Get Set, Retro – How to Get Started With Retroviral Transduction

Retroviral transduction is becoming a popular choice for gene delivery into mammalian cells and has multiple advantages over other techniques. If you decide to start work on this useful technique, here is how you can go about it: Step 0: Obtain permission First and foremost, do you have the permission, authorization, and training to work…