A professional network represented by a concept still life composition

Personal Advice on Building Your Professional Network. It Takes a Village

A successful career in science is as much about the people as it is about the results. In this article, get tips from a successful scientist on what constitutes a healthy professional network and learn how to build one. From befriending writers to avoiding expertise mismatches, start working towards your career goals by reading this advice.

What the Heck Is “Training Potential,” Anyway?

What the Heck Is “Training Potential,” Anyway?

As a newly-minted PhD, I began my postdoc with wild fellowship dreams. I set a schedule, applying to 1-2 fellowships a month. Research experience and broader impacts were a breeze. Research strategy and specific aims, with help from my new PI, solidified quickly. For weeks, however, my “training potential” document remained empty. At first, I…

how to get funded for your research

Early Career Stage Funding – Advice for Graduate Students and Post-Docs

Are you stressing about applying for grant funding early on in your career? Are you worrying about lack of preliminary data or lack of experience in your current field? Here are some tips that can help. Why Apply at an Early Stage of Your Career? All of your experiences build upon each other to strengthen…