Search Results for: ChIP seq

Variations on the ChIP-seq Theme and Challenges of Befriending Large Datasets

Variations on the ChIP-seq Theme and Challenges of Befriending Large Datasets

…Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin-seq (ATAC-seq), and Formaldehyde-assisted Isolation of Regulatory Elelments–seq (FAIRE-seq) reveal regions of open chromatin, not associated with any protein In DNase-seq, the DNase I endonuclease fragments the…

Ignore The Ticking Bomb At Your Peril: RNA-Seq Normalization- A Lurking Problem And It’s Solution.

…your RNA-seq data! Loven J., et al. (2012) Revisiting global gene expression analysis. Cell, 2012. 151(3):476-482. Jiang L., et al. (2011) Synthetic spike-in standards for RNA-seq experiments. Genome Res, 21(9):1543-1551….


Examining Cell Interactions with Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and Identifying Epitopes using SPR-Mass Spectrometry (MS)

…research and diagnostics. SPR-MS Two Ways: On-Chip and Off-Chip SPR is coupled to MS using one of two configurations. One setup involves eluting the captured ligand from the SPR chip

SPR help - surface plasmon resonance

Troubleshooting Surface Plasmon Resonance: Resolving Non-Specific Binding, Regeneration and Other Problems

…the sensor chip surface, making it less accessible. Try coupling the target to the slide differently. For example, perform a capture experiment instead of a covalent coupling experiment, or couple…