Ashleigh Miller

Ashleigh gained a Bachelor of Science from UC San Diego.

Articles by Ashleigh Miller

Protein Lysate TLC: Pro-Tips to Keep Your Protein Extracts in (Experimentally) Perfect Shape.

Protein Lysate TLC: Pro-Tips to Keep Your Protein Extracts in (Experimentally) Perfect Shape.

Do you need your protein in its native form, intact, with full functionality? Do you need to isolate organelles and nuclear fractions from the cytoplasm? Or do you need a slurry of everything in your cell or tissue? Whatever your experiment, you can maximize the amount of functional, detectable or active proteins by handling your…

The Nature of Denaturing (Protein Gels, that is!)

The Nature of Denaturing (Protein Gels, that is!)

You’ve nurtured your cells for weeks, perfected your experimental conditions, and nailed down all the controls. You’ve harvested your cells and gently lysed them, now you’re ready to look at the proteins. What’s one of the most common next step in protein analysis? A denaturing gel or SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis! SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis, or SDS-PAGE…

You did a Co-IP…now what?

You spent the last few weeks tweaking your Co-immunoprecipitation conditions, testing different antibody/bead combinations, and sampling a panaply of solutions and FINALLY! You have your Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) elution… Now what? Well, you have a few choices. It really all depends on what you need know about the proteins in your elution. Do you need to identify…

People holding hands to represent interactions that can be uncovered using co-immunoprecipitation

Co-immunoprecipitation Protocol: Your Practical Guide To Co-IPs

Do you wonder if your favorite protein interacts with another protein? Do you wish that you could shine a spotlight on your protein to determine its binding partner? You can use co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) to find your protein’s partner. This article will get you ready for your first Co-IP, provide a handy Co-IP protocol, and discuss…