David Galbraith

University of Arizona
David Galbraith
David received his BA, MA and PhD degrees in Biochemistry from Cambridge University, and was a NATO Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University. He is Professor of Plant Sciences and Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Arizona, and his research interests include biological instrumentation, developmental and tissue-specific gene expression in eukaryotes, functional genomics and proteomics, and issues in biodiversity.

Articles by David Galbraith

Crap in, crap out:  Flushing Out The Problems in Your Flow Cytometry Data

Crap in, crap out: Flushing Out The Problems in Your Flow Cytometry Data

“What Have You Done To My Cells??!!!” This cry of pain from researchers, frequently aimed at core facility operators, is heard after receiving incomprehensible data for an invaluable tube of cells. Equally baffling to the trained user of flow cytometric instrumentation is when data emerges that is either unreliable or inconsistent with the known properties…

Sorting Single Cells – What Do You Need to Consider?

Sorting Single Cells – What Do You Need to Consider?

Flow cytometer and cell sorter manufacturers have invested considerable resources to design instruments that are the “fastest in the ‘hood” either in terms of cells analyzed per second, or in total throughput. The general idea is the faster you can go, the quicker you can identify rare cells, and produce sorted populations containing large numbers…