Couples Counseling for Zebrafish

Couples Counselling for Zebrafish: How to Optimize Breeding Efficiency

It’s Sunday morning, the sun has just begun to rise, and you find yourself on the way to the lab (again!), sipping hot coffee and melancholically thinking of your abandoned bed. But something is different this time. Today, the freezing-cold wind blowing from behind is not the only motivation pushing you to sacrifice another weekend in…


The qRT-rtPCR Control You Should Be Doing, But Probably Aren’t

Every man, woman, and dog is doing quantitative real time reverse transcriptase PCR (qRT-rtPCR) these days. It’s a great method to measure your favorite transcript’s expression levels. One of the big plusses (like the Swiss flag!) of quantitative PCR in general is its high sensitivity. In principle, it can detect and quantify one molecule of…

ribonucleoprotein transformation

Why You Should Use Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein Transformation for CRISPR Genome Editing

Imagine directly creating a mutation at (almost) any site in your target genome instead of screening thousands or millions of random mutants! The CRISPR/Cas9 system does just that. In its traditional form, this forward genetics approach takes 7 steps from start to mutated genome. However, there is a way to obtain your designer genome in…

nanoparticle PCR

Small Particles (Things) Matter!- Introducing Nanoparticle PCR

There are many different methods and protocols on making your PCR  run more efficiently. I recently came across an interesting PCR method called “nanoparticle” PCR. This method seems to attract a lot of attention, because it enhances a PCR  by a few orders of magnitude. More interestingly, while the enhancement effect has been reported in a…

outsourcing research

Outsourcing Research: Should Your Experiment Spend Some Time Away from You?

As a researcher, it’s satisfying to manage your own projects and do the bench work yourself. After all, if you don’t have experience with a technique, you’re usually expected to figure it out (with or without direct supervision). In some situations, dealing with difficult molecular techniques is simply part of the job description. The scientific…

How to Separate Nucleotides Using Ion-paired Reverse Phase HPLC

How to Separate Nucleotides Using Ion-paired Reverse Phase HPLC

If you work in the field of molecular biology, there is hardly a day that goes by that you don’t use nucleotides. But beyond the use of the four well-known deoxynucleotides in PCR, you can use nucleotides for several other applications. For example, kinases and phosphatases use nucleotides as substrates, and phosphotransferases transfer phosphate group…


Sonication – 7 Tips for Mastering the Art

Sonication is mostly used during preparation of protein extracts to help break apart the cell. Although most lysis buffers have buckets of detergent that lyse cell membranes, sonication just gives an extra hand in breaking everything apart. Sonication also breaks up, or shears, DNA in a sample—preventing it from interfering with further sample preparation. Have…

mass spectrometry contaminants

Common Mass Spectrometry Contaminants: I Messed It Up So You Don’t Have To!

Through many trials, and lots of error, I learned that there are many considerations for mass spectrometry that might not be obvious to you as a molecular biologist. Common contaminants, even in small quantities, can mask important peaks in your mass spec data and have a huge impact on the final results.

Open and Closed:  Two Ways to Grow Your Own Algae

Open and Closed: Two Ways to Grow Your Own Algae

In my last article, I talked about the basic protocols and experiments conducted in the process of converting algae into biofuel. Our ability to culture algae has efficiently improved over the years. Continuous improvisation in basic techniques has helped us to understand the growth limiting step of algae culture. In this article, I will discuss…

primary murine B cells

The Care and Keeping of Primary Murine B Cells

So you want to work with mouse B cells? Primary murine B cells are a difficult, yet fascinating system to work with and can help deepen your understanding of an immunological system. You can study many things with primary B cells, including: immune activation antibody production cell-cell interactions between immune cells and immune phenotype These…

sensitive qPCR

SPUD’s Your Bud When it Comes to Sensitive qPCR

There’s piloting a brand new technique for the first time. Then, there’s jumping through hoops trying to get an established lab technique to work. The former, in contrast to the latter, is expected to be fraught with hardships. Yet troubleshooting an old lab technique that isn’t working anymore, is frustrating at a whole new level….

express proteins

How to Express Proteins Across Kingdoms: Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes

In the sci-fi novel Terminal World by Alistair Reynolds, a planet consists of zones with defined characteristics of matter interactions on a subatomic level. These conditions permit different levels of technology sophistication in various zones. For example, in the “Steamville zone” nothing more complicated than steam engines works – electronic schemes fuse irreversibly. Something like…

Where are My Bands? Troubleshooting a Signal-less Western

Where are My Bands? Troubleshooting a Signal-less Western

Western blotting uses electrophoresis and antibody-epitope affinity to give a semi-quantitative and (theoretically) clear measure of protein abundance. It’s a long procedure, filled with many steps—and even more room for error. Learning to troubleshoot certain problems is incredibly important for continued success with this technique. So what do you do when your final imaged product…

Image of a pencil sharpener to depict sharpening western blot image by handling non-specific binding

Non-specific Binding? Tips to Sharpen up Your Western Blot

In the previous installment of this series on western blotting, we addressed potential sources of error when your final product is completely bare. But alternatively, what do you do when too much background is the problem? You may have beautiful bands of interest—but if there is a bunch of non-specific binding, your quantification and data…

Roadside Assistance: Fixing Your Broken-Down ELISA

Roadside Assistance: Fixing Your Broken-Down ELISA

The ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is arguably one of the most important and versatile tools in the toolbox of molecular biologists, biochemists and diagnosticians across the world. Defined by its simplicity and speed, the assay is easy to learn and perform in as few as five steps. But with so few variables to manipulate, an…