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Suzanne has a PhD in Microbiology/Immunology from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine.
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In a recent article, I gave some tips about how to obtain good results with sequencing DNA after bisulfite conversion (it contains some tips that apply to the approach described in this article, too). Bisulfite sequencing is a very useful technique if you want to know the methylation status of every CpG in your genomic…
MIQE what’s that? When writing dPCR materials and methods for a paper have you ever pondered what information you should include? This is where the MIQE guidelines will really help. Guidelines for minimum information required for publication of a digital PCR (dPCR) experiment were published by JF Huggett et al. in 2013. These were a…
Good quality starting material is king for reverse transcription! Obtaining reliable results in any experiment requires good preparation. We often take reverse transcription for granted, and we don’t always consider that our qPCR might be performing poorly because of problems in that step. Since it’s quite often the reverse transcription reaction itself that causes fuss…
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Primer design can sometimes feel like more of an art than a science, and designing the best primer can significantly affect the success or failure of your experiments. Here are a few tips on optimizing primer design for several different applications: PCR amplification/cloning One of the most common primer-based applications is cloning. The desired amplicon…
Quantitative Reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) is frequently used in the lab to detect and quantify RNA expression in a sample. The first step of the assay is to convert the labile RNA to its complementary DNA (cDNA) counterpart through reverse transcription (RT). In fact, RT is the first step in a variety of molecular biology…
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