Kirsten Hogg

Kirsten gained a PhD in Reproductive Biology from the University of Edinburgh.

Articles by Kirsten Hogg

Understand and Troubleshoot PCR with The BitesizeBio Guide to PCR

Understand and Troubleshoot PCR with The BitesizeBio Guide to PCR

Over the years, I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs in the lab. The latter quite often centering on a failed or plainly weird PCR experiment. As I’ve gone on and become ever more fastidious about my lab practices I’ve realized that the majority of these little calamities were perfectly avoidable. In my…

Getting the most out of your human DNA methylation studies

Getting the most out of your human DNA methylation studies

The field of epigenetics is exploding and given the strong links between epigenetic state and disease, the need to study markers like DNA methylation in humans is very relevant. This article outlines some of the main factors you should be taking into account in your study of DNA methylation in human tissues. Here goes: Biological…

Scientific manuscripts: what constitutes authorship?

Scientific manuscripts: what constitutes authorship?

With ever increasing demands on researchers to publish, sometimes it feels like the whole world and their dog are vying for authorship on your latest manuscript. Appropriate and fair representation of those that contributed to sample collection, lab experiments and preparation of the manuscript is essential but can often be complex. So in this article…