Sylvia Norman

Sandhill Crane Diagnostics, Inc.
Dr. Sylvia Norman earned her Ph.D. in Molecular & Developmental Genetics from Arizona State University. She is the President & CEO of Sandhill Crane Diagnostics, Inc.

Articles by Sylvia Norman

Digital PCR or Quantitative Real-Time PCR: Which Method Is Best for Your Quantitative PCR Application?

Digital PCR or Quantitative Real-Time PCR: Which Method Is Best for Your Quantitative PCR Application?

So you’re designing a new experiment that requires PCR quantification. You used to have only one method to choose from, but now you have two – Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qPCR) and Digital PCR (dPCR). Which one is right for your application? Both methods have good quantification, sensitivity and specificity for most applications. They are compatible…