Jeremy has a PhD in Entomology from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

Articles by Jeremy Chacon

My 10 Favorite R Packages and the Cool Things You Can Do with Them

My 10 Favorite R Packages and the Cool Things You Can Do with Them

One of the best parts of R is how extensible it is. Over the years, the community has put together hundreds (thousands?) of amazing packages to make your workflow easier. The downside of this wealth is that it can be hard to find packages that do exactly what you want! Therefore, I’ve put together a…

An Easy Way to Start Using R in Your Research: Making Pretty Plots With ggplot

An Easy Way to Start Using R in Your Research: Making Pretty Plots With ggplot

The thing that was most difficult for me as an R beginner was plotting graphs with error bars – there is no concise way to do this with base graphics. There are workarounds, often using the ‘arrows’ command, but isn’t there a simpler way? Yes, in fact there are a handful of plotting packages for…

An Easy Way to Start Using R in Your Research: Exploratory Data Analysis

An Easy Way to Start Using R in Your Research: Exploratory Data Analysis

As you’ve probably kind of guessed from our previous articles Introducng R and the Basic R Tutorial, we think R programming language and R-studio are great tools for data analysis and figure production.  And now we are about to prove it! So, you’ve collected some data and are pretty sure you know what statistical test…

How Does it Move? Interpreting Motion of an Object with the Mean-Squared Displacement

Stuff moves. It is useful to study how stuff moves, because motion analysis can tell us a lot about the object that is moving. For example, we can learn if an object’s motion is aimless, diffusive wandering, or directed towards some goal, free to explore the available environment, or restricted to a confined space. Studying…

R script

An Easy Way to Start Using R in Your Research: Basic Tutorial

So now you’re convinced that R is the language for you, you’ve downloaded R-Studio (from and opened it, and. . .what the hell do you do now? Great question! I always find it easiest to learn by doing something, rather than just by seeing a list of possibilities, so here I’ll walk you through…