How to Totally Nail Your First in situ Hybridization
Having problems with your in situ hybridization? We’ve got 7 simple tips to help you get outstanding results.
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Having problems with your in situ hybridization? We’ve got 7 simple tips to help you get outstanding results.
HEK293 cells are one of the most commonly used cell lines. But what are they? Why should you use them? And what does the ‘293’ mean?
Ever wonder why almost everyone uses FBS in cell-culture media? Read more on how FBS became such a powerhouse and see what the future may have in store for this ubiquitous reagent.
Want to organize and tidy your lab? Read this detailed guide to a clutter-free and stress-free lab.
There’s no need to shop till you drop. Our guide to where to get your next cell line from takes the stress out of cell line shopping.
There is an overwhelming selection of cell lines available, make sure you pick the right one for your work using our tips.
When I was in school, I absolutely hated giving talks. I was a really nervous presenter, my heart would start beating faster, my face would go red, my hands would shake…even my voice would tremble! Since then I’ve made some big breakthroughs, and now I absolutely love giving talks and lectures. Here are my top…
The eBook with top tips from our Researcher community.