A Beginner’s Guide to How Blunt-End Cloning Works
Struggling with your cloning? It could be time to try blunt-end cloning. This easy introduction explains what it is, when to use it, and how.
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Struggling with your cloning? It could be time to try blunt-end cloning. This easy introduction explains what it is, when to use it, and how.
Restriction digests are the cornerstone of many techniques. Here are some great tips on setting up and troubleshooting them.
At the heart of cloning are restriction enzymes. Restriction enzymes are a common tool in any molecular biology lab. Need to know how large your plasmid is? Cut it with a restriction enzyme. Need to chop your genomic DNA into smaller pieces for a southern hybridization or to prepare a library? Use a restriction enzyme….
When restrictions come in the form of paperwork and approvals, we detest them. Whereas, when the restrictions come in the form of enzymes, we love them, don’t we? Restriction enzymes play a key role in biotechnology research. Read ahead for six useful facts about restriction enzymes. 1. Restriction enzymes are helpful to bacteria Restriction enzymes…
The eBook with top tips from our Researcher community.