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I am the President and CEO of MathforUS LLC, a company offering services in biotechnology, mathematical modelling, forecasting methods, and business consulting. I have organized and moderated a symposium at the annual meeting of the Florida Entomological Society and have published papers and served as a committee member at international conferences. My goal is to improve the quality of discoveries by scientists and businesses by providing solutions to their problems and bottlenecks. This will permit them to focus on their research and their creativity.
Phone: 1-954-999-3271
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We’ll show you how to make a DIY stock of chemically competent E. coli, the workhorse in the molecular biology laboratory.
Most site-directed mutagenesis protocols strongly recommend that you use only PAGE- or HPLC-purified primers to mutate plasmid templates. Using purified primers is supposed to minimize the introduction of unintended mutations, thus drastically improving the probability of generating your desired mutant. However, specially purified primers can be extremely expensive, and take longer to synthesize than standard…
TAE or TBE, which is best? Well, of course, it depends on what you want to do. Here are the pros and cons of both: TBE (Tris-borate-EDTA) is a better conductive medium than TAE (Tris-acetate EDTA) so is less prone to overheating so use TBE for long runs Borate is an enzyme inhibitor so TBE…
How to Prevent False Results in Colony PCR Colony PCR saves time and reduces costs by eliminating the need for plasmid purification. However, confounding results abound — but only if you fail to anticipate them. This article outlines the major perpetrators of false results and how to prevent them. For a more general overview of…
As part of my job ensuring plasmid quality at Addgene, I analyze 50-100 sequencing reactions a week. So I have developed some good habits that I wanted to pass on to you to make sure you are getting the most out of the data you get back from your sequencing runs. The most important of…
So, you’ve extracted your precious RNA and want to check its quality on a gel. Conventionally, you would run a formaldehyde gel, which is messy and requires a lot of prep. Plus, it is a huge undertaking in terms of time (and money) if all you want to do is just check the quality of…
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