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In her article How to Get Perfect Protein Transfer in Western Blotting, Emily Crow recommends Coomassie staining your gel after transfer to the membrane to check the quality of the transfer. A good transfer should not leave behind proteins and PVDF membrane, stained by 0.1% Ponceau S in 5% phosphoric acid and destained with water…
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If you were to peek into a protein biochemist’s bag of tricks, what would you find? A mortar and pestle for collecting samples, some columns for isolating proteins and a mass spec instrument? Perhaps. But what about those little eppendorf tubes full of enzymes and helpful molecules? Certainly, each scientist has his/her own favorite. Here…
Get some ideas on what CRISPR can do for you and what using it involves.
One day, a colleague stopped by my workbench to ask which detergent would not break the nuclear membrane. Based on my previous experience using gentle detergents in lysis buffers, I replied, “NP-40”. However, we had two brands of NP-40. A closer look at the datasheets revealed that the chemical names were different even though they…
If you are struggling to optimise your Western blot protocol, one step to consider is the equilibration of your gel and membrane before transfer. Wondering what this step achieves and whether it’s necessary? You’re not alone! I did dozens of Westerns without ever bothering to equilibrate before I realised that it was having a big…
Want to use Gateway cloning or having trouble using this technology? Find out how it works and get helpful tips to increase your success.
Westerns can be tricky and time-consuming, so make the most of your precious membranes and their proteins. Learn how to properly strip off your antibodies and re-probe with another primary antibody. Why you should strip Scientific reasons: To conserve protein samples that are limited or expensive.So that you can analyse the same sample with several…
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