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last updated: February 2, 2022
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Protein crystals are crucial for structure solution via X-ray crystallography but are notoriously hard to grow. We’ve got you covered with 5 clever protein crystallization seeding methods to grow impressive protein crystals.
An introduction to the Monash protein folding database, which contains protocols for refolding over 600 different proteins from inclusion bodies.
In real-time PCR, there are two primary ways to detect amplicons using fluorescent monitoring. One is intercalator-based dyes such as SYBR Green, and the other is probe-based techniques (hydrolysis or hybridization probes). All of these methods share a similar mechanism of measuring increasing fluorescence during amplification. But there is another completely different way to quantitatively…
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SDS-PAGE is the technique that unites life scientists. We all perform it during our research to separate protein analytes and, therefore, we all need a good SDS-PAGE gel recipe.
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