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While they may not be as in demand as when they were the basis of sequencing projects, bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) are still used for a wide variety of projects. Based off of the F origin of replication, BAC vectors can stably maintain up to 300 kb of sequence in a single plasmid, lending themselves…
Nat holds a PhD in Biology from the University of Missouri-Columbia and is currently Lead in Molecular Biology at Pairwise.
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After you’ve generated your mutuations using CRISPR-Cas, the next step is to identify those cells that have been successfully edited. There are a few different ways to check for the mutations. I’m going to discuss some of the more popular ones.
Collecting biological samples in the field can be difficult, since storage conditions outside of the lab are often less than optimal. Enter the Whatman FTA (Flinders Technology Associates) Cards. The Whatman FTA Card, a filter paper product manufactured by GE Health Care, is a paper matrix laced with a proprietary mixture of chemicals that lyse…
Mitochondrial DNA isolation can be time-consuming and laborious. Find out how to minimise the time needed for its extraction, while ensuring fantastic results.
SAGE, or serial analysis of gene expression, is a technique that enables you to digitally analyze the entire gene expression profile of a cell(s). Before this technique, scientists were limited to studying a few gene’s expression at once by a technique called the expressed sequence tag approach. The coolest part of SAGE is you don’t…
If efficient cloning is what you are after, you must give Overlap Extension PCR Cloning a go! This restriction enzyme and T4 DNA ligase-free technique is faster, more reliable and easier to troubleshoot than traditional restriction methods. With only two PCR reactions required, you can insert a DNA fragment into a plasmid without spending time…
Whatever molecular biology techniques you use, at some point you will have to clean up your DNA samples to remove things like buffers, contaminants and nucleotides from you precious sample, so that you have perfectly pure DNA for your downstream experiments. Magnetic beads are one DNA cleanup option. They are simple and effective—and their reassuringly…
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