Sarah-Jane O’Connor

University of Canterbury
Sarah-Jane O'Connor
Sarah-Jane is an ecologist who sometimes masquerades as a geneticist. Her statistical knowledge is embarassing in some social circles, but revered in others. Which probably just makes it neutral. She has a PhD in ecology from the University of Canterbury, NZ.

Articles by Sarah-Jane O’Connor

An image of test tubes to depicts how to clean a water bath.

Pseudoreplication: Don’t Fall For This Simple Statistical Mistake

Now we come to the third part of our trifecta; in the last two posts I have gone over p-values and how they determine significance in null hypothesis testing, and we talked about degrees of freedom and their effect on the p-value. Finally, we come to pseudoreplication: where it can all go terribly wrong. Replication…

A Primer on Statistical Hypotheses

A Primer on Statistical Hypotheses

Hypothesis testing is the foundation around which we prove our science is worth funding, publishing and sitting through a conference presentation for. I can’t overstate the  importance of understanding hypothesis testing, such is the integral part it plays in biological analyses. The Null Hypothesis Fundamental to statistics is the concept of a null hypothesis, and…