Tiles of a Heat Map
The individual tiles or rectangles in a heat map are scaled with a range of colors proportionate to gene expression values. The outcome makes a pitch to check upon the rows, columns, and joint structural patterns. It’s a tool used widely by the statisticians and bioinformatics scientists to make sense of large multi-dimensional datasets. It helps one to pry out groups among the genes and the samples handled by setting up associations. The gene sequences correspond to the rows of the matrix and the chips/samples correspond to the columns. A colored matrix display represents the matrix of values as a grid; the number of rows is equal to the number of genes being analyzed, and the number of columns is equal to the number of chips. The boxes of the grid are colored according to the numerical value in the corresponding matrix cell. Genes are represented in rows of the matrix and chips/samples in the columns. What you get is a framework in a color matrix. This will look like a grid of boxes, colored to the gene expression values. You will be able to pick genes based on their expression levels under different conditions. Many do not change, either because they are not on or are need to be on all the time. Those that do change are of the most interest. These represent the signature tune of gene expression affiliated to a particular condition. Below, I show you a theoretical gene expression dataset.
Clustering Tiles in a Heat Map
How can you see patterns with such data? The answer is to cluster the tiles. This involves a meaningful reordering of the rows and columns, which is a big challenge. The only way to comprehend the patterns and associations, is to bring the similar rows and columns nearer to each other in the plot. This step, referred to as re-ordering, is similar to a Rubik’s cube game. Reordering delivers two vital bits of information. First, as I said earlier, it reveals patterns among the rows and columns. Second, it exposes genes with the same expression profile. There are many strategies to cluster the data sets. However, hierarchical clustering is the most common heat map tool, and also generates a dendrogram to the side of the plot.
Bioinformatics Resources
Lots of actions polish off the heat map, such as delving and decoding the results productively. You may have to search, refine the values/labels, fix up rows and columns in the desired order, cluster the heat map, and freely steer around – starting with the raw data up to the heat map results. Do prepare the data in the needed format to perform the analysis. Sometimes, a few tools allow you to browse the data and get the results exported to reports, tables and figures. I recommend using the databases and tools listed below.
Online Tools
- CIMminer
- HeatmapGenerator
- MultiExperiment Viewer
- Bioconductor
- Morpheus
- MeV
- GenePatterns
- ExpressionProfiler
- geWorkbench
- Babelomics
- GoMiner
- ConceptGen
- ClustVis
Draw Your First Heat Map
Step 1. Visit ClustVis tool online
Step 2. Select Data import and click Load sample data
Step 3. Choose the dataset out of those in the list (I chose Iris flowers dataset)
Step 4. Click Heat map option
Ta-dah! That’s it. You guys made it.