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Do you need your protein in its native form, intact, with full functionality? Do you need to isolate organelles and nuclear fractions from the cytoplasm? Or do you need a slurry of everything in your cell or tissue? Whatever your experiment, you can maximize the amount of functional, detectable or active proteins by handling your…
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Have you ever seen a mouse chowing down on its dinner and wondered how it translates to energy? Well, that’s exactly what is keeping some scientists up at night, and luckily these questions are now becoming easier to answer in quite significant detail. Over the last couple of decades, several companies have developed ‘metabolic cages’….
Western blotting can often be a source of frustration in the lab. Getting a beautiful Western is hard work, and it’s even more difficult when trying to visualize large molecular weight (>150 kDa) proteins. Here are five tips you can use to get a great blot: 1. Choose the right gel composition With all of…
Homology modeling is a powerful tool that enables you to predict protein structures. But how do you do it? Read on to find out.
You have your favorite protein in mind and are ready to set up some exciting experiments to show what it does and how it does it, when it is active, what other proteins it modifies, and how it affects your cells. There is one slight problem. You need to fish your favorite protein out from the…
For Western blot data to be reliable, it is important that you load known amounts of sample into each lane of the gel. This is of particular importance if you are doing a quantitative blot, where you really need to be able to compare band intensity in each sample. In this article, we’ll talk about…
The Genetic Code: A Universal Template for Protein Translation All known organisms share the ‘central dogma’ of molecular biology. DNA is transcribed into mRNA that is translated into protein. During the discovery of the genetic code, Francis Crick hypothesized that translation required a mediator to aid mRNA-guided translation according to a number of specifics. Amongst…
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