Using dbSNP and ClinVar to Classify Gene Variants

Using dbSNP and ClinVar to Classify Gene Variants

As we discussed previously, the gaps in our understanding of the human genome make variant classification an extremely difficult job. However, with each passing day our knowledge increases, and the tools to help us become increasingly more efficient. Let’s pick up where we left off in our first article about variants. After checking Ensemble to…


Investigating an Expression Quantitative Trait Locus (eQTL)

Thousands upon thousands of genetic variants are now associated with every disease and trait you can possibly think of. Such traits range from cancers to blood pressure, intelligence, height, weight… and many more! This is largely because of the advent of genome-wide association studies (GWAS). However, the vast majority of genetic loci associated with these traits are…

GeneDig: An Easy-to-use Genome Browser for Bioscientists

GeneDig: An Easy-to-use Genome Browser for Bioscientists

The recent advancement of next generation sequencing technology and the development of novel gene editing tools, such as CRISPR-Cas9, have revolutionized research in genetics. In this golden era of molecular biology, knowing how to dig and navigate through all the enormous sequence information is an essential skill for most molecular biologists. However, to obtain facile…