How to Culture Primary Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells

How to Culture Primary Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells

Human bronchial epithelial cells (HBECs) are a challenge to culture. As highly specialised cells that exist in carefully ordered multi-layered structures, they are especially fickle and finding optimum conditions to keep them happy is tricky. The cultures are also extremely sensitive to tiny changes in routine or environment. However, there are certain basic principles that…

How to Become Immortal: Generation of Immortal Cell Lines

How to Become Immortal: Generation of Immortal Cell Lines

Normal cells are unable to replicate past several rounds of proliferation (termed the Hayflick limit) as with each round of proliferation the telomeres shorten. When the telomeres reach a critically reduced length, DNA damage is triggered leading to cellular senescence. Therefore, if you tried to culture a primary cell population it would eventually die unless…