A Step-by-step Guide to Designing Cas13 gRNAs
Designing Cas13 gRNAs is a bit different from the standard Cas9. Read this guide to learn how it differs, and get a step-by-step guide on designing the perfect Cas13 gRNAs.
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Designing Cas13 gRNAs is a bit different from the standard Cas9. Read this guide to learn how it differs, and get a step-by-step guide on designing the perfect Cas13 gRNAs.
CRISPR isn’t just about DNA editing. Discover how you can use Cas13 proteins in your research to knock down, modify or track RNAs in mammalian cells.
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Are your plasmid preps giving your poor yields? We’ve got 11 reasons that might be causing it and how to fix them.
DNA sequencing is the most powerful method to reveal genetic variations at the molecular level, leading to a better understanding of our body in physiological settings, and pathological conditions. It is the beginning of the long road towards better diagnostics and personalized medicine. Even though there have been great advances in DNA sequencing technologies there…
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