Stripping blots

Stripping Blots – It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Loses Their Protein

Like all technical fields, molecular biology contains a very robust “theoretical” realm and an equally robust “practical” realm. Unfortunately, these two existences don’t seem to overlap as often as we’d like. Consider, for example, a simple Western blot. While an antibody interacting with its target on a membrane seems pretty straightforward, there are numerous other…

Activity-Based Protein Profiling: A Powerful Technique for the Modern Biologist

Activity-Based Protein Profiling: A Powerful Technique for the Modern Biologist

Imagine trying to build a house without power tools: It’s completely doable – after all, people did it that way for centuries – but it’ll take you a lot longer and has limits. Similar to this, modern day biology now has its own set of “power tools.” So while you could do biology the old-fashioned…