Ryan Duggan

Ryan Duggan
Ryan has a BA in Psychology from the University of Chicago and is currently a Senior Scientist II at Abbvie. Ryan’s area of expertise lies squarely in the field of flow cytometry with specialties in Flow Cytometry, Image Cytometry, Mass Cytometry, Genomic Cytometry, scRNAseq, Biomedical Research, Technology, Data Analysis, Bioinformatics, Core Facility Management.

Articles by Ryan Duggan

flow cytometer

How a Flow Cytometer Works: A Look Inside the Magic Box

A flow cytometer is a device used to illuminate objects and capture and quantitate light emitting from these objects.  The “objects” are normally single cells dispersed in a medium, but could very well be polystyrene beads, cell fragments or debris, or even large molecules. So, What’s in the Box? Using your highly tuned powers of deduction, you…

Basic Parameters Measured by a Flow Cytometer: What is Scattered Light and Absolute Fluorescence?

In a previous article, we went over the basic understanding of the inner workings of a flow cytometer. It’s important to grasp the types of measurements that are being made and, perhaps more importantly, what measurements are NOT being made. For simplicity’s sake, we’re going to frame this discussion in terms of a classical flow…