Nikos Parisis

Nikos Parisis
Postdoctoral researcher in Molecular biology and Proteomics

Articles by Nikos Parisis

How Good Is Your Best Friend? A.K.A. Have You Validated Your Antibody?

How Good Is Your Best Friend? A.K.A. Have You Validated Your Antibody?

You use your antibody frequently, maybe even every day. You rely on it for western blotting, immunohistochemistry, FACS, ELISA, and immunoprecipitation. You’d be lost without it. But how well do you really know your antibody? Are you sure that it detects what you believe it to detect? If you have the slightest doubt, or if you have…

Get Out of Western Blot Hell: An Intro to Mass Spectrometry

Get Out of Western Blot Hell: An Intro to Mass Spectrometry

After you finish immunoprecipitating a protein or purifying a subcellular compartment, you need to identify what proteins you purified. You could attempt to identify your purified proteins the old fashioned (and slow!) way by running a multitude of Western blot. But rarely do labs have unlimited funds for Western blot antibodies. And lets face it,…