Running your Lab on a Shoestring Budget
It is never too late to take proactive measures to protect your research budget in the event of a funding lapse.
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It is never too late to take proactive measures to protect your research budget in the event of a funding lapse.
Do you use biotinylated secondary antibodies in your immunohistochemistry? You could use polymers instead. They are a great time-saving reagent.
How long has it been since you checked your lab freezer? Remember that plasmid you designed? How about that cell line you developed that now sits idly in the vapors of a liquid Nitrogen tank? And the novel peptide or enzyme from a few years ago that remains buried in permafrost? It’s time to revisit…
Genomic Science has come a long way since the early days of Sanger sequencing in the 1970’s. Today, there are jazzy new sequencing technologies that include fragment analysis, epigenetic sequencing, RNA/transcriptome sequencing and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Increasingly these technologies are becoming more accessible, but they still require highly specialized (read: expensive) equipment. Unless your…
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