
ChIP-seq Workflows Run Best with Automated DNA Size Selection

Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing, better known as ChIP-seq, is a massively parallel approach for understanding the interactions between proteins and DNA. This is especially important for determining the activity of transcription factors, which is why it’s frequently used to learn about the complicated series of biological steps leading to cancer. It’s also key to many epigenetic…

Image of divers swimming past a coral reef and fish

Generating High-Quality Genome Assemblies from Metagenomic Sequencing

The decreasing costs in genomic sequencing over the past decade have inspired researchers to apply shotgun next-generation sequencing to entire microbial communities. While the reads generated typically cannot be assembled cleanly into individual genomes, there is often enough information produced to identify most microbes present in the population. However, this approach lacks sufficient resolution to…


How Does Automated Electrophoresis Perform DNA Size Selection?

Anytime lab processes get automated by a sophisticated scientific instrument, there can be a “black box” effect, leading users to wonder what’s going on in there. For DNA electrophoresis, it’s no different. It’s easy to see what’s happening in a manual gel, but the automated gel-based DNA size selection platforms can be more mysterious. Automated…