Cartoon of a computer and mouse to represent the digital aspect of Digital ELISAs

Entering the Digital Age of Ultrasensitive Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assays

Discover how digital ELISAs revolutionize protein detection with unparalleled sensitivity. This article explores cutting-edge technologies like Simoa that detect multiple biomarkers from small samples, transforming research in areas like neurology and immunology.

Let me introduce you to ELISA…No, not the girl…The assay.

An ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbant Assay) is a popular assay that uses antibodies and color change to detect proteins, peptides, antibodies or biomolecules in complex mixtures. ELISAs are popular because they are reliable, specific, easy to use, and can easily be scaled up to process multiple samples simultaneously. How an ELISA is Done: In an ELISA,…