How to Write a Thoughtful Scientific Discussion Section for Your Paper
Having trouble writing the discussion section for your scientific paper? Help is at hand. Read our do’s and don’ts to help you have your paper polished up in no time.
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Having trouble writing the discussion section for your scientific paper? Help is at hand. Read our do’s and don’ts to help you have your paper polished up in no time.
If you’re unsure as to how the peer-review process works, the difference between open and double-blind peer review or are wondering if peer review is broken, read on.
Keeping up to date with the scientific literature is a large part of the work-load of any researcher. Love it or loathe it, this means of sharing research findings with the larger scientific community is still the way in which most of us inform ourselves of the latest findings in our fields of research, or…
Writing manuscripts is an integral part of research. And being listed as an author on a published article is the most cherished dream of a research scholar/ graduate student. However, what about the corresponding author role? During your Ph.D tenure, you will be encouraged to compile your data and write manuscripts based on your results….
You can’t put it off any longer – you need to write your first manuscript. This task can seem daunting at first, but with a little organization and planning, you’ll soon be publishing.
The eBook with top tips from our Researcher community.