7 Tips for using Magnetic Beads for DNA Cleanup

7 Tips for using Magnetic Beads for DNA Cleanup

Whatever molecular biology techniques you use, at some point you will have to clean up your DNA samples to remove things like buffers, contaminants and nucleotides from you precious sample, so that you have perfectly pure DNA for your downstream experiments. Magnetic beads are one DNA cleanup option. They are simple and effective—and their reassuringly…

People holding hands to represent interactions that can be uncovered using co-immunoprecipitation

Co-immunoprecipitation Protocol: Your Practical Guide To Co-IPs

Do you wonder if your favorite protein interacts with another protein? Do you wish that you could shine a spotlight on your protein to determine its binding partner? You can use co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) to find your protein’s partner. This article will get you ready for your first Co-IP, provide a handy Co-IP protocol, and discuss…