A Beginner's Guide to Measuring Metabolism In Vivo

A Beginner’s Guide to Measuring Metabolism In Vivo

Have you ever seen a mouse chowing down on its dinner and wondered how it translates to energy? Well, that’s exactly what is keeping some scientists up at night, and luckily these questions are now becoming easier to answer in quite significant detail. Over the last couple of decades, several companies have developed ‘metabolic cages’….

Mini Me: What Makes for Good Models of Human Disease?

Mini Me: What Makes for Good Models of Human Disease?

One of the major roadblocks to the development of novel therapies is the lack of robust and reliable animal models. Selecting and validating animal models that mimic human conditions is challenging, especially when faced with chronic multi-factorial diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Acknowledging this problem, the National Institutes of Health initiated the Animal Models…

Laboratory Animal Ethics: The Three Rs

Laboratory Animal Ethics: The Three Rs

Animal models have helped make enormous discoveries and breakthroughs in the last few decades. From Pasteur’s use of sheep to test the ‘Germ Theory’, Pavlov’s classic conditioning experiments in dogs, to Dolly the first cloned mammal, animal research has come a long way. Today, most drugs, vaccines and other pharmaceutical products for medical use are…

Troubleshooting and Optimizing your Mouse Breedings

Troubleshooting and Optimizing your Mouse Breedings

Anyone working with laboratory animals has probably realized that simply putting two animals together does not always yield new offspring and reliable continuity of the animal line – unfortunately animal husbandry isn’t that simple! Of course, apart from making sure that the two animals put together are from different genders, there are a lot of…