Calculate your Fudge Ratio, Manage Lab Time Better
Calculating your fudge ratio can help you get your work done on time and get home before dark. Here’s how.
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Calculating your fudge ratio can help you get your work done on time and get home before dark. Here’s how.
Only a handful of people ever become world experts in their field. The rest attain somewhere between a functional and world expert level of knowledge. So what makes the best better than the rest? Are they born with greater knowledge? Intelligence? Inner strength? Well, the latter is the more likely. Although some world experts are…
Spare a thought for your poor over-worked neurons. In the information age, they are bombarded with input from the moment they are dragged into consciousness by the radio alarm clock each morning then throughout the day by e-mail, Google searches, RSS feeds, mobile phones, newspapers, books, blogs and more. In the post genomic era, it’s…
Machine learning methods for challenging cells such as hepatocytes