QED Bioscience

QED Bioscience has been designing and manufacturing antibodies for over 20 years, and throughout our history, our goals have remained unchanged: provide the best antibody products and services on the market and support our customers with the top-quality antibodies and technical expertise they should expect from a full-spectrum antibody company like QED.

Articles by QED Bioscience


Taking up the Challenges of In Vitro Monoclonal Antibody Production

Monoclonal antibodies are extensively used in research laboratories, diagnostic products and immunotherapy and have multiple advantages over polyclonal antibodies. They exhibit enhanced specificity to single epitopes, have little or no variability, and are easy to modify and customize as required. The History of Monoclonal Antibodies In 1984, Georges Köhler, César Milstein, and Niels Jerne received…


How to Choose Quality Antibodies for Successful Western Blotting

Successful western blotting means achieving unambiguous results, and this requires a sensitive and specific antibody-antigen interaction. Consequently, high quality antibodies are critical for reliable and consistent western blotting. Western Blotting Process In the basic western blotting process, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) separates a mix of proteins according to their molecular weights (denaturing gels) or their…