Hayley Anderson

Hayley Anderson
Hayley is a Researcher and Webmaster at MicroscopeMaster.com

Articles by Hayley Anderson

A World Where Mathematics And Microscopy Meet: Geometric Probability In Stereology Part Two

A World Where Mathematics And Microscopy Meet: Geometric Probability In Stereology Part Two

Following on from Part 1, we’ll now take a look at the actual use of geometric probability in stereology, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this technique. As you’ll know from the introduction (here), stereology looks at the relativity between an object and its sections, while geometric probability allows a researcher to expand…

A World Where Mathematics And Microscopy Meet: Geometric Probability In Stereology Part One

A World Where Mathematics And Microscopy Meet: Geometric Probability In Stereology Part One

The study of geometric probability in stereology may seem like a large, overwhelming area of focus but, don’t panic, it’s not! In fact, it is a very specific field that is likely to come easy to those that excel in mathematics or science (yes that means you). However, the concept is not one that most…