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Sharada Swaminathan

I’m Sharada Swaminathan, a Master’s student in Biochemistry at the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM), Canada. I worked as a Research Intern at The Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology, Boston. I chose to write for Bitesize Bio because I would like to share the technical and personal skills that I’ve acquired so far by being involved in scientific research.

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Articles by Sharada Swaminathan

Five Reasons Why You Should Have Hobbies While in Graduate School

By Sharada Swaminathan | March 22, 2017

You’ve chosen a career in science and gone off to graduate school because you love doing it. For you, lab is home. You are so used to wearing your lab coat all the time that when you go to the kitchen to boil water for your coffee, you can’t do it without wearing an apron!…

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