Variations on the ChIP-seq Theme and Challenges of Befriending Large Datasets

Variations on the ChIP-seq Theme and Challenges of Befriending Large Datasets

ChIP-seq has proved amazing. Through these new techniques, we can obtain big datasets in a matter of days, making our lives in the lab easier and more efficient. ChiP-seq combines chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays with whole genome sequencing. This makes it possible to understand where proteins bind to DNA and epigenetic modifications. Humans are not only their…

Genomic Analysis of Single Cells: The Benefits of Being Single

Genomic Analysis of Single Cells: The Benefits of Being Single

You don’t need to be told about how next generation sequencing technologies have revolutionized the way we study the genome and the epigenome. Whether you want to look at transcription (RNA-seq), translation (Ribo-seq) genomes (DNA-seq), interactions of proteins and DNA (ChIP-Seq) or to study epigenetic features such as methylation (whole genome bilsulfite sequencing) there are…